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Chasen Glacier LLC DA Brownies Bakery First-Line Supervisor of Food Preparation and Serving Worker in EAST GLACIER, Montana

Employer: Brownies BakeryContact Person: Terry ChasePhone Number: 406-270-2728Email: chasenglacier@gmail.comAddress: 1020 Mt Highway 49 E, Glacier Park, MT 59434Job Opportunity:Position Title: First-Line Supervisor (Food Preparation and Service)Number of Openings: 1Type of Employment: Temporary, Full-TimeEmployment Period 04/01/2025 to 11/01/2025Duties:The First-Line Supervisor is responsible for preparing and serving food,including making sandwiches, pizza, espresso-based drinks, and servingice cream. They will bake signature items from scratch, such as breads,pastries, cookies, and brownies. Additional responsibilities include trainingnew hires, supervising procurement and inventory management,coordinating employee shifts, ensuring customer satisfaction, designingessential materials (e.g., order forms, workflow documents), and organizingmenus for weddings and special events. The supervisor will also manageissues related to the historical building, such as water or electrical outages.Minimum Education and Experience Requirements:Education: High School Diploma or equivalentExperience: 12 months of experience in the direct preparation and serving offoods in a commercial bakery or delicatessenWork Hours and Days:Schedule: Saturday through Wednesday, 5:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.Availability: Must be available 7 days a week as peak times varyWorkweek: The employer will use a single workweek as its standard forcomputing wages dueGeographic Area of Employment:Worksite location: Brownies Hostel and Bakery, 1020 Mt Highway 49 E,Glacier Park, MT 59434No travel requirements outside the primary worksiteWage Information:Hourly Wage: $19.90 per hour, no overtimeFrequency of Pay: Wages will be paid at least every two weeksSubsistence Rates:During travel, the subsistence rate is $15.88 per day to a maximum of$59.00 per day with receiptsHousing:Optional Housing: Dormitory-style shared lodging is available at $50 perweek, no additional chargesHousing is on-site and typically shared with 8-10 other team membersNo transportation needed from housing to job siteDeductions:The employer will make all deductions from the worker’s paycheck requiredby lawAdditional deductions include housing costs ($50 per week) if the workerchooses to use the employer-provided lodgingTransportation and Subsistence:If the worker completes 50% of the work contract period, the employer will:Option A: Arrange and pay directly for transportation and subsistenceOption B: Reimburse the worker for transportation and subsistence OptionC: Provide advance payment for transportation and subsistence from theplace of recruitment to the place of work.Upon completion of the work contract or where the worker is dismissedearlier, the employer will provide or pay for the worker’s reasonable costsof return transportation and subsistence back home or to the place theworker originally departed to work, except where the worker will not returndue to subsequent employment with another employer. The amount oftransportation payment or reimbursement will be equal to the mosteconomical and reasonable common carrier for the distances involved.Daily subsistence will be provided at a rate of $15.88 per day during travelto a maximum of $59.00 per day with receipts.Daily Transportation:Daily transportation to and from the worksite is not applicable as housing ison-site.Reimbursement of Fees:The employer will reimburse the H-2B worker in the first workweek for allvisa, visa processing, border crossing, and other related fees, includingthose mandated by the government, incurred by the H-2B worker(excluding passport expenses or other charges primarily for the benefit ofthe worker).Tools, Supplies, and Equipment:The employer will provide to the worker, without charge or deposit, all tools,supplies, and equipment required to perform the duties assigned.Application Instructions:Applicants should inquire about the job opportunity or send applications,indications of availability, and/or resumes directly to the nearest office ofthe State Workforce Agency (SWA) in Montana or contact Terry Chase at406-270-2728 or Contact Information:Montana Department of Labor & Industry, Workforce Services DivisionPhone: (406) 873-2191Address: Job Service Cut Bank, 501 East Main Street, Cut Bank, MT59427Email:
