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State of Montana Division Administrator for Parks and Outdoor Recreation in Helena, Montana

/THE OUTSIDE IS IN US ALL./ Please remember to attach the required documents (Cover Letter and Resume) listed in this announcement. Applications missingtherequesteddocumentswillbeconsideredincompleteandmaynotprogressfurtherintheprocess.Documents not requested will not be considered in the recruitment process. The State Application is not a substitute for a Resume. This position closes at 11:59 PM Mountain Time on September 9, 2024. You must apply through the State of Montana Careersite. SpecialInformation: Employeeswhoexceed1,040hoursinacalendaryearareprovidedhealth,dentalandlifeinsurance.Otherbenefits include retirement, paid vacation, sick leave and holidays. This position may be covered by a VEBA (Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association). Identity of applicants who become finalists may be released to the public if the Department deems it necessary. Asuccessfulapplicantwillbesubjecttoabackgroundinvestigation.Womenandminoritiesareunder-representedinthis job category and are encouraged to apply. General Description: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking a dynamic, forward-thinking individual to help guide and manage the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division in all areas. Essential Functions: · Plan and implement personnel resources, policy, goal setting, programs, budget, marketing, and operating procedures for the Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division. · Prepare, monitor and administer the division biennium operating budgets of over $39 million. · Research, develop, and implement the strategic goals and guidelines, objectives and performance measures, in coordination with other divisions to ensure agency goals are met. · By fostering a team approach, resolve critical problems and conflicts within the division and agency to promote a positive work environment. · Provide vision and planning development for the division. · Represent the POR Division while serving on the FWP Management Team. · Present information, rulemaking changes and policy proposals to the Parks and Recreation Board and Fish and Wildlife Commission. · Direct, instruct and counsel subordinate personnel who are supervisors and provide clear direction of roles and responsibilities. · Draft policy and operating protocols for the division in all program areas. · Review and analyze proposed legislation (including fiscal notes) and testify before legislative committees. · Represent the agency and POR Division at the local, state, regional and national levels. TheParksandOutdoorRecreationAdministratorisresponsibleforstatewideparksandoutdoorrecreationprogram development,implementation,administration,andassociatedoutreachandcommunicationofthoseprograms.Thepositionprovidesleadershipandoversightofparksandrecreationprogramsincludinghistoric,culturalandarchaeological state resources. The position oversees water/river recreation, parks and recreation planning, rulemaking, permitting, and commercial use of all FWP lands as well as development and maintenance of those lands including the development, management, and maintenance of infrastructure. The division manages the outdoor recreation grant programs that benefit public recreation, including recreationaltrails,off-highwayvehicles,andsnowmobilingandalsoprovidesaccessandrecreationalopportunitiesto all FWP lands, consistent with the primary purposes of those lands. FWP access programs for hunting, fishing, shooting ranges, and outdoorrecreationonnon-FWPlandsarealsoadministeredbythisdivision.TheincumbentwillhaveresponsibilityfordevelopingandproposingtotheFish&WildlifeCommissionortheParksandRecreationBoardallrecreationaluserules for FWP lands, ensuring consistency, enforceability, and clarity in these rules. These shall not include hunting, trapping, or fishing regulations. In addition to supervising staff, this position is responsible for vibrant volunteer and AmeriCorpsprograms,whichbothprovidetensofthousandsofhoursannually,equivalenttoalmost30FTE.ThisAdministratorisalso responsible for an annual budget of $25 million and a capital construction program of $6-8 million per biennium. JobDuties: A. ProgramDevelopment ·ProgramDevelopment:Developsstatewideparks,access,maintenance,andrecreationprogramsusingknowledgeof strategicplanning,publicinvolvement,federalandstatestatutesandpolicy,naturalresourceissuesandmanagement, parks and recreation policy development and management, and federal and state budgeting. ·ProgramEvaluation:Ensurestheperiodicreviewofdivisionprogramsandtakestheleadindeveloping,revisingas necessary, and implementing a system to review programs. ·ProgramImplementation:ImplementsandevaluatesprogramsasdirectedbytheChief of Staff toensurepolicyisconsistent throughout the division. · Coordinatesstatewideprogramsadministeredbythedivision, including extensive partnership efforts with diverse constituent groups. B. PERSONNELMANAGEMENT ·Managesdivisionpersonnelunderdirect/indirectsupervision,usingknowledgeofpersonnelmanagementtheory,public organizational theory, and supervisory practices. C. FISCALMANAGEMENT/BUSINESSFUNCTIONS ·Responsibleforthedevelopment,allocation,andmonitoringoftheStateParksandOutdoorRecreationDivisionprogram budget using knowledge of funding sources, program operations\ state and federal budgeting process, and legislativedirection.This includes parks and recreation business and operations rules and procedures, and assessment of visitor services technology modernization solutions. · Preparesandpresentslegislativebudgetrequests. D. EXECUTIVELEADERSHIP ·TheincumbentworkswithotherdivisionadministratorsandtheDirector'sOfficetointegratetheworkofthedepartment's divisionsandregionssothattheoveralldepartmentfunctionsinaconsistent,efficient,andeffectivemanner.Responsible for coordinating and overseeing cross functions of the department that involve multiple divisions to ensure that program direction and administration best meet the needs of the department as a whole. The incumbent identifies emerging and long-term department issues, priorities, and strategic direction. ·The incumbent serves as a member of the Department's Management Team which determines the department'sstrategicvision,missionandgoalsandwhichsetstheframeworkandstandardsofaccountabilityforthedevelopmentand implementation of department policies and programs. E. LEGISLATIVE/COMMISSIONandBOARD/PUBLICINFORMATION&INVOLVEMENT ·Works with the Director's office to provide testimony, prepares, and delivers presentations to the commission, board, legislature, and the public using knowledge of public involvement, federal and state statutes and policy, natural resource issuesandmanagement,naturalresourcepolicydevelopment,recreationmanagement,andfederalandstatebudgeting. Preferences: Preference may be given to a proven leader with 10 or more years of experience in the management of parks and/or outdoor recreation. PhysicalandEnvironmentalDemands: Professional office environment with regular pressure to meet important deadlines. Potential stressful situations resultfrom the demands of developing quick and precise interpretations of complex scientific principles and social and political issues in an often politically driven? public arena. Must be physically capable of keeping several projects moving toward theirtimelycompletionwhilestillremainingavailabletorespondtoimmediateandunexpectedeventswhenevertheymayarise. Hoursinadditiontotheregularworkdayandworkweekareroutinelynecessary;i.e.,greaterthana40-hourworkweek and work on weekends. Considerable travel is required, in many instances, more than 1,000 miles per month. Knowledge,SkillsandAbilities: Requires thorough knowledge of state, regional, and national environmental and related parks, natural resource, recreation, and access issues and their impact on Montana; considerable knowledge of park operations, natural resource and environmental technologiesandprinciples; recreationmanagement best practices, including visitor services management; personnel and program development and management concepts and practices, including identification of professional staffing requirements, recruitment and selection, training, professional development, effective delegation of authority and accountability for performance, workload planning and human motivation; knowledge of team dynamics, strategicthinking, and management theory; knowledge of management and reporting requirements and procedures. Requires skills in relationship building; collaborative problem solving and achieving consensus in groups with divergent interests; negotiatingforresults;facilitatingmeetingsandresolvingdisputestoeffectivelycommunicatecomplexnaturalresource, cultural, historic, parks, outdoor recreation, and access issues to the media and general public; to plan, implement, and evaluate the achievement of agency goals, objectives, and mission; to interpret and apply federal and state statutes, past and present administrative rules, and policies governing program operations; to respond effectively to the most sensitive inquiries or complaints;to direct preparation of informational and/or persuasive speeches and articles for each intended audience; to make effectivepresentationsoncontroversialorcomplextopicstotopmanagement,publicgroups,and/orpublicofficials;tosee issues in a broad perspective, tolerance for some degree of ambiguity, and the ability to share decision-making within a decentralized working environment. MinimumQualifications (EducationandExperience): The above knowledge, skills, and abilities are typically acquired through a combination of education and experience equivalent to a Master's degree in parks and recreation management, cultural or natural resource management, public administration, or a relatedfieldand10yearsprogressivelyresponsiblerelatedexperiencewithfiveyearsinasupervisorycapacity.Other combinations of education and experience will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Title: Division Administrator for Parks and Outdoor Recreation Location: Helena Requisition ID: 24142113
