Job Information
ROSS RANCH & LIVESTOCK CO General Ranch Hand in JORDAN, Montana
Temporary full-time position from 2/1/2025 to 11/30/2025. The General Ranch Hand position will be required to perform any combination of the following tasks to attend to livestock and farming operation:monitor, care for and move livestock using 4-wheelers and side by sides to and from pastures for winter feeding while pastures are not producing feed; examine animals to detect diseases and injuries; place mineral blocks; vaccinate livestock, herd into corral and/or stall and manually restraining animals; apply medications to cuts and bruises; spray livestock with insecticide; assist with castration of livestock; clip identifying notches or brands animals; manually clean stalls/corrals. Must be able to make make minor equipment repairs, and perform routine maintenance and cleaning of farm implements, and operate tractors and farm implements required to plant, cultivate, and harvest hay and other crops; must stack hay bales; pick rocks, minimal maintenance of fence on existing lines. Must be able to find and maintain bearings to grazing areas. The job entails working around farm machinery, a variety of farm animals as well as exposure to predators and snakes. Most duties are performed out of doors, and entail exposure to extreme heat, cold, dust, rain and other environmental conditions. Worker must be able to crouch, bend, lift and carry up to 100 pounds. Additional hours and split shifts needed during seeding, haying and harvest. Driving is required on ranch only but if they have a valid drivers license may drive off the ranch. Increased wages and bonus may be possible depending on experience. In view of the statutorily established basic function of the Employment Service (ES) as a no-fee labor exchange that is as a forum for bringing together employers and job seekers, neither the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) nor the State Workforce Agencies (SWA) are guarantors of the accuracy or truthfulness of information contained on job orders submitted by employers. Nor does any job order accepted or recruited upon by the ES constitute a contractual job offer to which the ETA or a SWA is in any way a party.