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Summit Independent Living Independent Living Specialist in Kalispell, Montana

The Independent Living Specialist is responsible for the provision of advocacy and resourcedevelopment, peer support, information and referral, skills training, and service coordinationfor people with disabilities. This position will also serve as a coordinator and mentor for theKalispell area youth transition services. Excellent communication skills, ability to developrapport with youth, to work effectively as a Summit team member and independently in thecommunity are essential for success in this role. Refer to job description for complete jobduties, responsibilities and required qualifications.The starting hourly wage for this position is $19 per hour, DOE. Benefits include healthinsurance, life insurance, 401 (k) plan with employer match, flexible spending plan, paidholidays, generous personal allowable leave for vacation and sick days, and long-term illnessleave.Individuals interested in applying must submit a current resume, cover letter, and Summitemployment application. Position open UNTIL FILLED. Application materials available fordownload on Summit’s website at application materials to: Dianna Kintzler, County CoordinatorSummit Independent Living275 Corporate Way, Suite 200Kalispell, MT 59901dkintzler@summitilc.orgFor more information regarding the job duties, qualifications, salary and benefits, orapplication process please contact Dianna Kintzler at 406-257-0048, Ext. 3.Summit provides reasonable accommodations for any known disabilities of applicants and/oremployees to enable them to complete the application process and/or perform the essentialfunctions of their jobs.
